How much can we justify spending?
Ralph Wrote:I won't cast any aspersions at folks who can afford to spend more money on their hobby. If you can do it...good for you! For me some of the pleasure of the hobby comes from finding inexpensive alternatives that I find good enough for my own enjoyment.
Ralph, you and I are of one mind. My sister-in-law was here just last night and I don't know how the subject came up but she was telling me she and her husband went Christmas shopping for something for me, a gift for some help I gave them last year. She said they wanted to get me something nice, but couldn't find any locos or cars that she hadn't seen on the layout. Then they thought maybe some trees, or something else material wise I could use. They looked at ballast and Mike asked the clerk how much He would need for me to do the layout. My sister-in-law knew the size of the room so when she told the clerk the size he told her it would cost about $1600...... I got a big box of chocolates.., and a nice card. I told her I got a whole truckload for 5 bucks at the mine, and I had all ready gotten past that point anyway. I showed her my home made trees and ballast .She couldn't believe what the trees cost to buy and I showed her how I made them.
I get as much enjoyment out of making what I can. I am not talented enough to scratch build rolling stock so I do buy that.
I am working on making some of my own automobiles and trucks right now using RTV silicone molds and dental plaster. There is a big learning curve, but the plaster is cheap, and everyone needs a junk yard. I will have a very large junk yard I am afraid. Goldth

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