How much can we justify spending?
I don't even know where to begin with Bachmann, but you certainly don't need to own a Bachmann engine to see the problems. Most of the Spectrum models at least run alright, but almost all of their models suffer from really, REALLY simple but difficult to correct errors, particularly concerning paint schemes. Bachmann does a miserable job on research.
GEC,With Bachmann's simplicity and lower prices those wrong paint jobs can be corrected just like the old Athearn BB paint mistakes, some paint stripper, paint and decals can and will work wonders.

There are those among us that readily points out mistakes with Atlas,Walthers P1K and P2K,Kato,Athearn RTR and Geneses.They are some that won't touch a MTH or BLI locomotive with a ten foot long brakeman's club.

Summerset Ry

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