Florida ISL - Ocala
Larry,Here's another "trick" we used on the PRR to avoid time consuming runarounds..

If we was going up a industrial lead that had facing and trailing point industries we would use two cabins and split the train in two with the locomotive in the middle with cabins on each end of the local.

Here's another thought.

With DCC we can emulate the prototype by placing a engine on both ends of the local and eliminate the runaround completely..This method is very popular on today's railroads---including some short lines.

Of course there was times when we had no choice other then to make a runaround move.

As a side note..Unlike model operation where everything is done regardless of operating and safety rules and usually done at break neck speeds every move on the railroad takes time-even a simple run around can eat 20 minutes and remember if that is done on the main you have one unhappy dispatcher and he may make you wait a hour or more while he runs his trains around you.

Summerset Ry

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