Florida ISL - Ocala
I like it both ways. I figured that in the plan with the runaround, the runaround could act as the interchange, the yard for shuffling cars (basically, a 2 track yard), and a runaround. If you take out the bridge, you use the section of mainline on the left side of the layout (by the locomotive & caboose storage) as the drill track. Once the train is arranged, you tack on the caboose, runaround the train, and shove the train to it's destinations.

The reason I was saying shove is that you don't have to add on a drop leaf or temporary track for drill lead. Your track is all contained within the shelves without wasted space. I redesigned it with a runaround here. I just kept the temporary continuous run option to keep all of the options open.

Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.

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