Freelance 2014-2
jonte Wrote:... Perhaps if you've a spare moment or two some time, Reinhard, you could show me how you do it. ....
Jonte, the basic steps are easy but they depend on the computer you are using. I use an iMac.

1. Select an area you want to get a building front in Google maps.
2. Make sure Streetview is available for that area a and they did the recording not at sunset etc.
3. Stroll the streets until you find your object.
4. Goto full screen and "copy" the rectangle from the screen with the building into a file
5. Get a program to eliminate the distortion
6. Get a program and cut the precise buildings front
7. Edit it to remove people, trees etc.
8. Edit the color to match with your printer
9. Print 3 copies
10. Glue each copy to cardboard
11. Spray them with dull coat
12. Put #1 to the side
13. Cut windows, doors etc. from #2
13.a Take a felt pen (black?) and paint the edges of the windows etc.
14. Glue #2 on top of #1
15. Cut signs etc. from #3
15a. Take a felt pen (black?) and paint the edges of signs etc.
16. Glue the details from step 15 on top of the result tom step 14
You are done :-)

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