Meanwhile, at the cottage...a scratchbuild!
I'm back and as promised here are a couple shots from the first round of pictures.

This one shows my 'workbench' and a few of the tools I brought along. Front and center are the four main tower walls.

Here is a closer look at the walls.

Much has happened since this was taken. Just this morning I added window mullions for large window #4, leaving two left. The leftmost wall with two complete windows has been primed and painted (white with green trim) as well as the one to it's right. These two have been joined to each other and a base/interior brace. Also, not shown, as it was not begun at this time, the little room under the stairs is framed together with both large walls and the little one under the steps complete.

I'm having a great time with this little project, as it is a welcome diversion from work. I absolutely love this new position and I believe my modeling time will reflect my job satisfaction. I know for some, modeling is a way to get away from a job that stinks and so is an easy retreat. For me, it's a little different. If I'm not finding some inkling of job satisfaction, that bleeds into every other aspect of life, including my hobby. Anybody else out there think or feel the same way?

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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