Meanwhile, at the cottage...a scratchbuild!
nachoman Wrote:That is looking real nice! What is your source for the cardstock? Is it "recycled" material? Icon_lol

The corner posts & larger members on either side of a window frame are from 1/16" card that came from SS Ltd, I think. I had requested a few parts that were missing in a kit, along with some stripwood that arrived split. The card was taped on either side of the stripwood to keep it from being broken in the envelope.

The window mullions are from Cappucino Coolers boxes. My wife is addicted to the stuff so there's no chance of running out there! It's got printing on the outside, obviously, but inside is not sealed like the outside so it takes glue a little differently.

The main wall segments are 'shirt cardboard', that is, what would come inside a nice men's shirt in the package to keep it stiff for display. Also my wife saves any nice card for me that she runs across when purchasing scrapbooking materials.

I am a firm believer in reduce, reuse, & recycle. (For this hobby, especially older engines & rolling stock, it's also about repair, restore & rebuild!) A little structure like this doesn't use much, but it is a repurposing of the material. PLUS, it's not costing me an arm and a leg. A few #11 blades, some white glue and paint. The extra fun tools like the Chopper I consider investments in the hobby.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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