Meanwhile, at the cottage...a scratchbuild!
tetters Wrote:I have a stack of cereal boxes. Any chance I can use those to scratch build some structures like this?

Thumbsup Go for it! I think a 'cereal box challenge' would be neat. Build a structure of any sort or scale using only one cereal box (standard size) as 98% of the raw material, allowing for little bits of wire & window glazing. Thicker sections can be built up a layer at a time...may be tedious, but it works (and did work for many early HO modelers!).

I still have to complete the scratchbuild a structure challenge from that other forum. :oops: The little building I was looking at for that build would make a nice next project once this one is completed. OR, I have a couple rolling stock kits I could assemble/weather/etc. Just a matter of assembling a slightly different set of tools & bits in another project drawer to take along.

I still bow before the cardstock master, Robin. Worship Any chance some images of his work can be duplicated in a memorial gallery over here? (ahem, moderators?)

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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