DCC and Lights
Well, I installed a Digitrax DH163P decoder in my MTH GP35. (It's worth pointing out that I got this from a guy dealing decoders and other electronics at a swap meet. Neither of my two closest LHSs really wants to carry DCC -- I assume they figure the markup on individual decoders isn't enough to make it worth their while. But neither do they stock the bigger-ticket items like base stations or boosters. I think Fred Hill in particular is a jerk for thinking this way. Hey, why not have goys knowledgeable enough to do installs and charge for that? Oh, I see, you'd have to pay them more.)

Anyhow, while I can control the loco and turn the headlight and class lights on and off, between the way MTH has the wires running to the PC board for the various lights and the CVs that Digitrax uses to control the function keys, I have yet to make the thing have a constant headlight in the lower position and a mars light in the upper -- MTH is a big mystery. However, SP often enough ran its locos with the mars light as a steady-on that I can live with how it is now until I figure it out.

I also have both a Walthers CB&Q and a WP U28/30B. These run extremely well and take a 6-function 9-pin decoder with no fiddling -- AND the headlight, number board lights, and mars light (both prototypes had them) are separately wired and controllable with CVs. Not only that, but I could re-map the functions so that the CB&Q had its mars light in the upper position and headlight in the lower. THERE is a good reason for DCC, though some manufacturers don't provide for the function by wiring lights separately.

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