70th Anniversary of D-Day
The German message "Die Invasion hat begonnen!" was broadcast early on June 6th yet the commander of Army Group B which was responsible for the defense of the French coast against the Allied invasion was no where near his HQ.
Erwin Rommel went home to visit his wife and family on her birthday.

A stroke of luck for the Allies?

We can only speculate.

The invasion wasn't going well with missed drop zones, stronger defenses then expected,the carpet bombing missed their target because they delayed a few seconds in dropping their bombs due to cloud cover-it was feared the bombs may hit the ships instead of the beach and German fortifications along the beach.

In the landing crafts men was bailing water that had splashed over the sides from the waves,sea sickness also took a toll,the ever increasing artillery shells from the German guns,the direct hits on the landing crafts, and then the beach of death..
Der Führer muss nicht geweckt warden..

Imagine hearing that when you request the panzer reserves to be moved forward. Only Hitler could authorized their release. and he took a sleeping pill with orders not to be disturbed.

Another stroke of luck for the Allies?

Again we can only speculate.

Strong men fought against the odds and barely won the day on June 6,1944.

Let us never forget their mettle against a determine foe.

Let us never forget those that gave all in the name of freedom.

Summerset Ry

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