The power of the Internet
We had a weird thing happen around here yesterday. A young girl living in Tempe was playing a game on the Internet a few days ago and showed everyone that she had an assault rifle. Well, yesterday, she was playing the same game when a couple of guys broke into her apartment holding a gun on her and then stacking up stuff to take, including the rifle. Well, the screen showed everything that was going on, so someone in Europe that was also playing the game, called a friend in Tempe, who in turn, called 911 to report the home invasion. The bad guys were going to hang around until the banks opened in hopes of getting this girl to take out some money, but that didn't happen. The police got there in time to get one of them, the other was able to run away.

I'm sorry, but she used very bad judgment letting everyone know she had guns in the house. That is not a deterrent but a magnet for robbers. She was just lucky, the game had the live video in one corner of the game screen, and so someone saw what was going on and had the wherewithal to do something about it, even from the other side of the globe.

BTW, the entire incident was recorded, so I'm guessing it'll soon be a big deal on YouTube.
Don (ezdays) Day
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