Question re 6-wheeled trucks/bogies
Here is my thoughts. If these are a scale 70'+ coaches, then the 6 wheels will not handle the VERY tight radius you are running. The couplers, you need to replace them with the (I don't know which number KD uses for them) the long shank ones. If you are ok with removing an axle, I would remove one from the end of the truck, not the middle. In doing that, your best bet would seem to be get rid of the end axle, closest the couplers. Also, if these coaches have bellows on them, they can cause coupler seperation too. You might want to take them off, and cut a few of the sections out from the inside end.
I am sure that some of the more talented people will speak up and offer more sound advice.
I would also consider widening your radius.

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