Meanwhile, at the cottage...a scratchbuild!
Yesterday I got the 4 main walls bonded together and the room under the stairs attached to the tower. Windows were installed prior to the final assembly using plastic packaging material from a little digital clock. Up next - the roof and the stairs/railing.

Not sure how I'm going to proceed with the stairs yet, whether to just build in place or set up a jig for the steps. Either way, it's another place where the chopper will come in handy.

The roof will be standing seam metal, using some material I've had around for a long time. I will be using 'permanent' double-sided tape to affix it. From what I've heard about the tape, (3M) it will rip the roof apart before the bond breaks. A study was done on using tape vs. mechanical means (screws, etc.) and the tape won out easily. In a Gulf town all of the street signs that were bolted on or riveted blew away whereas the taped signs did not. Still, I hope my little tower is not subjected to gale force winds!

Oh, and the roof itself will be removable to allow access to the interior. I'm building a little stove, desk, and chair to go in there. The wiring for the lighting will run up the stove pipe. I'm already envisioning the landscaping around the building...and I don't even have a layout to put it on yet!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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