Weekly Photo Fun 8/1 - 8/7/14
Bruce and Reinhard, thank you both for the kind words. :oops:

However, there are plenty of non-90° corners in those photos, and many of them are intentionally so. F'rinstance, both the station....

[Image: Structurebracing007.jpg]

...and the Languay building....

[Image: Structurebracing010.jpg]

...are tapered.

National Grocers is a real mishmash:

[Image: Structurebracing013.jpg]

[Image: Structurebracing018.jpg]

[Image: Structurebracing016.jpg]

Here's an over-all view of the area:

[Image: BarneySecordfliestheGrandValley--14.jpg]

Wilkinson-Kompass also cuts a few corners...

[Image: Layoutviewsetc022.jpg]

...and, just across the street, the Evell Casket Company (not visible in the earlier photos) has an entirely different angle on business:

[Image: Somelayoutviews004.jpg]

There are other examples of my crooked eye elsewhere on the layout, too. The icehouse at Lowbanks is tapered to accommodate both the curved backdrop and the angle of its siding, and it's also bent at the overhead walkway (just barely visible) between the two structures:

[Image: Foe-toesfromfirstcd233-1.jpg]

It's probably more noticeable here, in the distance at far left:

[Image: BarneySecordfliestheGrandValley--7.jpg]

And the most glaring example of all is at GERN, where almost everything is curved, skewed, or at an odd angle:

[Image: BarneySecordfliestheGrandValley--13.jpg]


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