End Of a Era.
Well at least I got myself in print before they closed their doors.... That letter from Mr. Lane did make me laugh a bit...
Our costs
(payroll, taxes, printing costs, mailing costs etc) kept going up,

They haven't been paying people for contributions for a few years now, at least at RMC, I can't speak for the other publications. Definitely a good way to save on payroll is not to pay authors for articles. I know this first hand from my own experience with them. After I did my camelback article I was contacted by a group of other contributors that had the same problem. After subscribing to RMC for about 15 consecutive years this caused me to cancel my subscription to them. If they had been up front with me and told me so from the beginning I still would have given them the article, I can't count how many times I heard "the check's in the mail" from the Editor himself, Tomustang was a witness to one of the more memorable ones.

I still have an email from him saved in my Inbox.

Apr 1, 2012

The photos arrived—nice selection on the models and I think we have a cover. Will fit them on the template at work tomorrow.

The prototype shots are excellent/steam engines will be around in our “national modeling memory” for a long time. These sure look like work horses. The wheel arrangement does not appear to have been that common, though the Southern Pacific had some.

Again, thanks. Talk more in a bit. Nice looking RR!


HMMM.. April fools day, that should have been a hint.
I'm not trying to sound bitter, in fact I still have the magazine with my cover photo framed in my train room. I am very proud of it. I just wish it could have led to better things with RMC instead of how it had.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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