Chuck's Kitbash Summer 2014 Challenge
Below are some last photos of my project before the deadline. I put together some details for the roof to show what it is going to look like. I am going to have some piping run down the side of the building as well. I used kit sprues for the piping -- a little more sanding and some valves and it should be ready for painting. I am thinking of adding a water tower, but if I do, I am thinking of placing as a "shallow relief" against the back drop -- only 1/2 the tower will physically be present.
[Image: 20140901_095032.jpg]

The dock is completed and in place. I am going to add some black and grey washes to weather it. There is also going to be a rusty steel strap that runs along the front edge. I have seen this on numerous docks when I was a truck driver -- the strap helps protect the concrete from damage.
[Image: 20140901_095555.jpg]

And lastly, here is a photo of the "completed" building prior to weathering:
[Image: 20140901_095601.jpg]

Thank you summer challenge for motivating me to build this building! Without his challenge, I doubt the building would have been built. It was a learning experience dealing with the Korber modular kit construction..... There is still some weathering and detailing to be done, but it will soon be in place on the layout generating some revenue for my Detroit Connecting.

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