Smiths Falls/Carleton Place/Perth Ontario
Much of the railway in Eastern Ontario has been torn up in the last several years. 35

Perth is on the Montreal to Toronto route though, so it's still quite busy if you like to watch trains roll by.

Ottawa (about 1 hour east) still has some railway linked infrastructure left. There's the Government Conference Centre (old Union Station) and the "new" station just outside of downtown. The Alexandra/Interprovincial bridge still stands and is a beauty, as does the disused Prince of Wales bridge at Lemieux Island.

The Museum of Science and Tech has some great locos on display, and if you call ahead, you might be able to arrange to see the storage area, with one of the oldest locos in Canada.

There is also a very big and active modelling community, including several people who've been published. If you'd like to know more, drop me your email address in a PM, and I'll fill you in some more.


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