Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
My new power drill turned up today, giving me everything I need to push on with the benchwork.

Tonight I had 30 mins, so I cut up the pallets I have and mocked up the idea I've had for the cheap and cheerful double deck layout.

This should give you an idea of what I am trying to achieve.

Between each of the two upright sections of pallet I intend to have a desk, with the pallets screwed securely into the desks to form a sturdy frame.

What's handy is that, when the two offcuts of the pallets are stacked on top of each other to form the shelf for the lower level and the support for the upper level, from top of the bottom level to top of the top level is exactly 10" - the exact distance I have calculated for the space between levels that my full gradient run can support!

This should reduce the amount of modifications I will need to make to the pallets to suit my purposes. More to come as things develop. Smile

One last thing - these are just placed atop each other, with no fixings at all yet. Just to make it clear! Smile

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[Image: 20140904_193415_7_bestshot-1_zps2aec4fbb.jpg]

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