Dawson Creek Subdivision - British Columbia Railway - H0
Now up to the third and last part of the layout tour.
Leaving the yard area and entering to Dawson Creek.This area is mostly freelanced but based on google maps pictures etc of that area...there will be some houses and other buildings,a mill complex and more.On thing I wan´t to capture is the view on one Photo I found on the net.But more of that later...
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Left to the window will be the scene with the row of elevators.I started with the first scratchbuild elevator.There´s a siding for the elevators and the main will go straight against the backwall of the room.Two spurs will leave the main,one to a lumber dealer and the other to a team track or another railserved building...
This will be the end of the line.It could be switched without the liftout in front of the entrance door in place...
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I could run some trains around the layout without any bigger problems and the upper level with the Dawson creek area was a lot of fun to switch cars around.I´m very happy with that and started to install the masonite for the backdrops and some other things...found one bad turnout in the former tremblay section on the lower level but I started a major rebuild of that part so this will be fixed soon.
I´m running with the Digitrax Super chief and made for sections on the layout.So I could run some trains on the upper level while I´m working on the lower level....
I´m still not really happy with the lower level.There is a staging on the north end of Chetwynd but I don´t have any room for a staging on the south side...this develops maybe as a problem in operation...In Chetwynd trains coming from the south will set out empty cars for Dawson Creek and go on to the north maybe with some loaded cars from DC set into the train into the hidden staging.Problem is that trains from the south have no staging to come from into Chetwynd.
And trains from the north(staging) will couple loaded cars from DC into the southbound train but don´t have tracks to go south...I hope you´ll understand my problem....But eventually I´ll have an idea for that problem...I´ll ask that in another thread...

So this is how the layout looks today.It´s still a lot of work to do for me but it´s always fun to work on that thing...
All comments are very appreciated.
Thanks for looking,

Building the BC-Rail Dawson Creek Subdivision in H0 scale http://bigbluetrains.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=7835

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