Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
Not much of an update today, but things are progressing, even if it's only at a snails pace.

I've been working on the two story section house, and it now looks like this:
[Image: 20140923_002037-1_zps6a606f49.jpg]
[Image: 20140923_002051-1_zps9f9f5247.jpg]
[Image: 20140923_002100-1_zps8179e251.jpg]

This morning I spent ten minutes giving my GP40 a quick once over with some Tamiya "soot" weathering powder to tone it down somewhat. Needs a lot more work, but it's a start. Smile

[Image: 20140923_092832_1_bestshot-1_zps78488937.jpg]
[Image: 20140923_092903_8_bestshot-1_zps7e2891b8.jpg]

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