My first Scratch Build.
Hey WOW!!! Thanks guys for all the encouragement. It helps.

The windows are proving to be a little more difficult then I thought. Difficult, but not impossible. The stairs were gravy compared to this stage of the game.

I tried a couple of different methods, before settling on building them in place. It seems to be a much easier approach for me then trying to build the frame work on the table and then insert the finished window in the opening. Building in place is reeeeeeaaaaaally tedious work. I "assembled" three tonight. Cutting cereal board card stock in 3 scale inch strips is IMHO the maximum width for the material, even with the sharp-est of blades and several light passes with the knife.

However, now that I know how to approach them, hopefully I'll get a bunch more done tomorrow night. Then the interior floor, installing the wood stove chimney on the roof and then finishing off with the doors. I may go the LHS and see if I can score a scale pot bellied wood stove maybe a small desk and chairs, plus if possible the machine ( I don't know what its called... :oops: ) with all the levers to control the switches from the tower. Oooo....and some grain of wheat bulbs to add some light to the tower.

Sorry no pics tonight. Maybe tomorrow when I have some real progress to speak of. Misngth

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