My first Scratch Build.
Thanks for the reply Galen.

ocalicreek Wrote:Steppin' on up! Excellent progress on the stairs. How did you maintain a consistant distance between the steps?

I glued the 2x12 stringer to the side of the tower waited a few minutes for the glue to bond, then cut about dozen treads at about 9 scale inches wide. I placed the tower on its side, and placed a small amount of glue with a tooth pick on the end of each tread and stood it on end in place measuring roughly 7 scale inches down for each one. I'd eyeball it if it looked to high or too low. The carpenter glue I find lets me work at just the right pace for this project. It has good tack, but allows you to move things around a bit before it gets really sticky.

So...I would measure, spot a step, measure spot another, lather rinse and repeat until madness sets in!!! 790_smiley_picking_a_fight

I waited about twenty minutes before I attached the exterior stringer. The glue has a clamp time of 25 mins, so I want to make sure the glue had set sufficiently before I carefully positioned the stringer on the other ends of the steps.

ocalicreek Wrote:my Walther's interlocking tower I scratched a level mechanism (not exactly sure what it's called either) from a block of wood and some wire. I didn't light the model for some reason and figured it'd be seen in silouhette only from ambient room lighting so little handles & such didn't really matter much.

You may be able to pull off something a bit more detailed, especially if you are going to light the interior.

Well, one idea I had was to sandwich some 22 gauge wires in between some small pieces of card stock at various positions to make it look like the levers for the machine. Nothing too complicated, maybe even leave some of the insulation at the bottoms just to add some finer detail?.

ocalicreek Wrote:For a pot-bellied stove, if you've got a small barrel around, just add legs, a flat top, maybe a door overlay and a small straw pipe/stack then paint it black and dry brush it gray. At least that's what I'm planning on doing!


Oh, pics are in the computer...but I'm pretty tired so it may be tomorrow morning before they make it to the album and thread...

I don't have a barrel, but I do have some wood dowels. I was thinking I could shape that to look like a small wood stove. Ideas abound when you start getting this creative. Big Grin

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