Water tank / Furnace questions (!)
ScrewySqrl Wrote:Where are you? Using hot wter to het a house has been done for a long, long time (old fashioned radiators use hot water and steam), but are NOT usually efficient.

Where I am, a heat pump is the most efficient heating and cooling solution, all in one. Unless you're well to the north, I'd look into getting one of those.

Thanks! We're in Toronto, so winters can get pretty cold. This Polaris unit is a combo unit, which are supposedly becoming more popular -- i.e it wasn't until recently that you could use a water heater to heat your house AND your water. Here's a link re the Polaris: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.johnwoodwaterheaters.com/Downloads/PDF/NRGSS00308R_Spec_Sheet.pdf">http://www.johnwoodwaterheaters.com/Dow ... _Sheet.pdf</a><!-- m -->

Not sure if this sheds any light on it. It's supposed to work with an air handler system.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.robertrobotham.ca/">http://www.robertrobotham.ca/</a><!-- m -->

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