My first Scratch Build.
Quote:Here is where I am at so far. I went to the LHS today and could not pass up the convenience of having some 2x3 strip wood to cut my windows from...yeah I caved. It is speeding up the windows though, and I'll be glad to get them done. Just 8 left. Then I plan to give it a couple of light coats of primer to seal it. When the glue dries I'll lightly sand the window frames to make them nice and flush.

I also picked up a pot belly wood stove ( So much for that little scratch build. At $1.50 for two, how could I say no? )

It's all a question of balancing money vs. time vs. interest or willingness to take a long short-cut, if you know what I mean. Wink

On my section house I used a combination of card for the walls and scale lumber for the battens. I had an old N-scale Campbell trestle that never got built and those tiny timbers are great for window frames! (I know, some N-scalers and maybe a few HO'ers are cringing at that thought, but at least it's getting used!)

Looking good, keep us posted!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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