Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
It's been a while since I've updated this thread, but that's because I've been trying to stay away from the forums so I can focus on getting work done on my layout rather than procrastinating! Big Grin

So, progress report - tonight I held off progressing my scratchbuild of Many, Louisiana Depot, and instead worked on a kitbash of the Walthers Cornerstone Hardwood Furniture kit into a replacement for my scratchbuilt Cobb Firearms building.

The new structure will now be a Louisiana Pacific factory, and the Doe Box factory and Cane River Lumber Co. will now become part of a larger Louisiana Pacific industry - with wood and other materials going into the spur, and box cars of finished construction products coming out.

I've gotten the basic frame of the building constructed, made by shortening the building from four storeys to two, and stretching it out into a part relief structure with a width of just over 12 inches. This way I feel the factory fits the scene better rather than dominating it, as I think a four story building would have.

I have also added in an interior floor and new roof made of card - a fully detailed interior will be going into the building due the large windows on the structure once I figure out how I want to do that. I'm hoping to add lighting to the building as well, once the interior goes in.

The building is by no means finished, as the roof needs detailing, the edges of the roof on the two side sections of the building need filing flat, and full cornices need adding. Once all this is done I will be giving the whole model a coat of primer and painting it before adding the glazing and bedding the whole thing down onto the layout.

Here are shots of the evening's progress. Firstly, before shots of the area the building will be occupying:

[Image: 20140608_133457_8_bestshot_zps712e983a.jpg]

[Image: 20140608_133510_8_bestshot_zps2eea418e.jpg]

And now the new structure placed on the layout - work will be required to bed it into the layout but this shouldn't take too much work:
[Image: 20141113_002948_3_bestshot-1_zps26967866.jpg]

[Image: 20141113_003009_5_bestshot-1_zpsfc588250.jpg]

[Image: 20141113_003053_5_bestshot-1_zps872dd0cf.jpg]

Let me know what you think of the new building and it's impact on the area of the layout - improvement or not?

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