Multi posting
Hello to you all,i have just registered on this site but have been a watcher for a couple of years so i hope thats ok?
Re. multiple posting,i its all down to you as an individual to decide if you post in several forums,i certainly cant see why someone out there should complain if you wish to post in more than one place, thats your perogative to do so?
All forums have their weirdo's !!! Like the rivet counters at clubs and exhibitions?? Now those realy bug me big style.
One thing that does annoy me though is when someone starts to create an excellent blog ,then stops half way!!!!when you are hooked!!!
I was recently following an excellent blog (not on here) with lots of progress pictures and lots of forum members input when after 13 pages he just stopped posting,AARRGGHHHH.
And then there are ones who love text speak,and the ones who ----*************!!!!!!!
OOOPPPSSS, Like me???
Happy modeling Icon_lol
What its Monday!! Again !!

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