Multi posting
jwb Wrote:I would go a little farther and say that now and then I run into a general opinion site that lists "annoying" traits you see in forums, and it typically includes people who make the same post on multiple forums. One guy who posts here now and then that I would put in the "annoying" category is Thecitrusbelt, who has diligently found every, every last forum out there and posts the same trivial announcements about some layout tour of some obscure part of Southern California on every one (but also including his own Yahoo group as well). All the guys in Sweden and Australia get to hear about it every time. (For whatever reason, the Model Railroader forum seems not to let him post, good call among all their bad ones.)

I think the general opinion sites that discuss this (covering areas besides this hobby) attribute it to ego, or maybe extreme insecurity. It's certainly annoying.

Different forums have different focus and different levels of talent. I normally post on two or three forums, but I make a point never to post the same post on each of them. That goes for some other guys who do post on several forums. I don't think it's annoying for someone to post one photo or topic on one forum and another on another.

However, that's not the only "annoying" thing people do on forums, but I'll leave it there!

Since not everyone visits the same sites, but most everyone is interested in events, posting the same notice on multiple sites is both rational and courteous, and a service to others. Are you proposing a central bulletin board to handle all announcements, or should only those on a specific forum get to hear about them?

The internet is a very big place, and one has to speak up to be heard in all the distance corners.

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