Multi posting
As for true railroad forums, this is it. I own a Yahoo group for Samoyed owners and Samoyed rescue, and belong to the MRC DCC Yahoo group. I get both groups via email. My Samoyed group is like a second family with 80 members and typically we have a hundred posts a day.
5 years ago I joined facebook and I did not like it, but I joined once again 2 years ago because there was a page that folks were posting old photos of my home town and I wanted to keep up. I found other history sites and I am able to contribute as well as receive many pictures that otherwise can't be found. A fringe benefit too is keeping up with the family that is scattered all over the country.
I have seen many railroad pictures from years ago taken in my area on Facebook and I recommend it if history is your thing. You don't have to join with your real information, and you can set up an email address strictly for use with FB.
If someone wants to post on a hundred sites, that is fine by me. If I was going to those sites and it bothered me I just would not read the posts.

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