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Charlie B Wrote:I get all the true "railroad" forum I need right here I don't care much about the location of the "bar code unit" and some of the made up words a lot of these so called railfans use. I like to watch trains as well as the next guy, but having run a shortline railroad for 14 years I found I just never should have done the job because I just don't know enough according to the real railroad folks on these forums that have never read a rule book, let alone write one.

Amen! And I will add the rules get changed just about every day by the FRA and railroads.

I recently thumb through a 2012 rule book and my take is simple..How in blue blazes can they get any work done and not to mention peeking Pete slinking around to catch crews in violation?

I been hanging with a lot of recently retired railroaders and the majority is glad they retired with their pension intact..

Summerset Ry

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