HO scale Helix - laying track
Hey guys, thanks for all of the insite. I've looked over everyone's posts and I think I'm going to do a little bit of everything.

Shortliner, thanks for the heads up about the MDF absorbing moisture. Thumbsup Our basement has burned out two dehumidifiers in the past because of how damn it can get if I don't stay on top of things, so I'm going to be painting this afternoon. I'm going to pass on the idea of making a template. I'm great at making cirlces that end up more like ovals Wallbang , and that's just too advanced for me.

Andy, thanks Smile for the spacing information on double main lines. I'd like to avoid sideswiping at all costs. I don't want to find an auto rack in the front end of any of my units. Eek

BR60103, I've taken alot of your insite into consideration as well. Worship Your right about Tracksetta (I couldn't find it anyplace in the U.S.). So I've already gotten 24", 26" and 28" curve gauges on order from Ribbonrail. I want to make sure I lay these tracks down without any problems (especially in the helix)!

JaBear, the helix came with 1/4" MDF. I guess Ashlin Designs went to this material after having used wood, not sure as to why...I'll see how difficult it is to lay flex track in the helix (and securing it for that matter) and I'll keep everyone updated.
Again, thanks everyone for the help and insite. I feel the need to go build..... 2285_ 2285_

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