Finally Finished my Layout
I should let everyone in on the "inside story "
About 3 weeks ago a good mrring buddy sent me the Wunderland link for a couple of reasons .

First , we were in the same local mrr club together for a couple of years ........the kind of club where 5 of the 35 members do most of the work while the others are conveniently busy with other personal things . He and I were chortling as to how long it would take to build Wunderland under similar conditions ........the guesstimate was several lifetimes ( maybe ) Goldth

Secondly , he was wanting to join in my excitement of having my wife home for the holidays after 4 months in hospital . She has to go back this Monday but we got to share Christmas , my birthday , New Years and visits from freindly neighbours and well-wishers . Hopefully we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and Bonnie will be home to stay , very soon ........keeping my fingers crossed .

The Wunderland people have created a most amazing layout for folks to enjoy .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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