How do you make time for trains?
A few guys I know put aside a specific time to model, like a Thursday night or something. Others invite friends over so as to feel a little pressure to show some progress. Not sure I like the second, but I know a guy who got his whole layout built in a year because he kept inviting people over. Wink

Another strategy might be to keep a few projects on the go. Maybe a couple of small ones, like weathering, or assembling rolling stock. Maybe throw in a somewhat more complicated structure. Then you have something ready to go when you have 15 minutes, or a couple hours. No paralysis trying to decide what to do. Another friend has done this, and set himself up a modelling desk inside an old computer armoire near the TV room, instead of down in the basement.

Hope those suggestions help you. The most important thing to remember about the hobby is that it is not the most important thing. So sometimes you just have to take the ups and downs as Tyson suggests.


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