swap meet vs ebay pricing
eBay really isn't a "high volume" selling spot. Some of those people have both an eBay store and go to train shows to sell there wares. Selling at a train show, you can sell more of one thing in one weekend, then you can on eBay. Plus, some will pay for postage and handling if bought on eBay.

Case in point. Recently I popped on eBay for a G scale Chessie System GP-7 for my girlfriend, who wants me to send it back because it was "to expensive" (Yeah...That ain't happening. I'm keeping it now, and not cause how much I paid for it either.). It was from hobby store in Pennsylvania. Just for giggles I paid 350.USD for it. When I got it, it had come from Charles Ro in Massachusetts. I checked THIER website and found it to be 25$ cheaper then the eBay price. They are always at the Big E show in West Springfield. When I go there in a couple of weeks, I bet that it would be cheaper than that. In which case...Lesson learned.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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