What Camera Do You Use?
I use a Canon S5 IS. It's halfway between a point and shoot and a dslr. The 12X zoom allows me to get close-ups without going on railroad property and the manual controls allow for some decent model photography.

For model photography I use a setting of f8 (how far the shutter opens) and an ISO setting of 80 (how fast the film can record the light). Then I play with the shutter speed to get the best shot for the available light.

Here's a shot from the layout.

[Image: IMG_0787.jpg]

It also has some decent night time capabilities. Here's a photo out my back door during a snow storm.

[Image: IMG_0711.jpg]

Lately I've been considering upgrading to a dslr but have a number of other challenges to deal with at the moment.

Good luck with what ever you choose.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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