Big Differences in Decoders? Or just hype?
I agree with the decoder wiring advice. Once you figure it out, its pretty much gravy from there on in. I keep some instructions handy, just in case I have a mild brain fart or something.

I've been wondering about the decoder hype too. I got to say there is something to be said about proprietary parts. I use an NCE Power Cab for my layout. I have one NCE decoder and have to say, it seems to "work" better then my Digitrax ones. After mussing around with various settings on both decoder types, the NCE decoder in my switcher seems to have smoother operation and better response compared to the digitrax ones in the GPs. The NCE decoders also allow me to program on the main which means I don't need a programming track, provided all my decoders are NCE ones.

Just my 2 cents worth.

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