Track cleaning options
I use the HO Center Line car with Aero track cleaning fluid.
I also have a collection of track erasers and such for really stubborn stains. (I'm recycling track on my layout and some goes back to the early 70s, possibly to the 60s.)
I recently splurged on the WS track cleaning kit with tons of pads and a stick. (I found that I need to buy a separate stick if I need length). This did a good job on my wife's Lionel track and the On30 line. Haven't got to the G yet.
I have some of the pads that drag from the axles (HO) but I don't know how well they work.

I've also used pieces of wood to scrape the rails.

When I was young, I saw someone cleaning tinplate track with carbon tetrachloride and emery paper. Then my mother read about carbon tet. Eek

(Note the comment in my signature.)
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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