Acme Bakery
Thank you Mr. Nutbar Worship
Greg....Thank you sir Thumbsup
Andrew...That is a great name!!! Goldth

Working on this weird door on the right:
[Image: acme1.jpg]

First I made a little jig that would get the angles of the door right, and keep it in place as I glued it:
[Image: IMG_20150323_213956_476%202%20small.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20150323_214148_484%202%20small.jpg]

Painted it up, and a quick test fit:
[Image: IMG_20150324_212048_457%202%20small.jpg]

I will live with them a while, and see if they grow on me....not sure about them yet. Next I'll do the small single doors, and get going on the windows.

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