Acme Bakery
Rscott417 Wrote:They might not actually use that opening as a doorway. It looks like it's a screen to me, the existing steel door (that I think I see behind the screen) would get rolled up for ventilation while the screen would minimize unwanted intruders/animals.

You are absolutely right....I modeled it using a different pic that made it look solid.......back to the drawing board Icon_lol

Schraddel Wrote:Steve you have done a great job!
O.K. may be i can solder brass, but i have my very difficulties to do this scratchbuilding job in form of "shrinking" a real 1:1 building into 1:87 size and to capture the real look alike.
And this capturing, so my opinion, of the "real look" or call it transferring from real life onto your layout that is the art of modelling.

Lutz...I appreciate your most gracious words Thumbsup
I am very envious of your talent and patience. I don't believe that I could do what you do, no matter how long I tried Wink . If what you do is not "the art of modeling" then I don't know what else you would call it. Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

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