Weekly Photo Fun - March 27th-April 2nd, 2015
Well it is officially Conrail Day! 39 years ago, the "original" big blue started to bring the railroads from the ashes of bankruptcy.

To celebrate, I picked up a p2k caboose. This one isn't lighted, but the interior is cool! I might try and renumber it. Though I have been wanting an ex-Lehigh Valley caboose, this one is probably closer to a Reading Company or CNJ prototype. Still, its a light year ahead of the Athearn RTR one I picked up a few weeks ago.

I wonder how tricky it would be to scratchbuild/kitbash a proper LV caboose body? I suspect my skills are good enough where such a thing is a possibility for me. On the other hand, I have many projects, including two incoming caboose kits, an ex-NYC N7 bay window and an ex-NYC N6 transfer caboose.

[Image: P3312556.jpg]
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]

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