CSX GP40-2, GP38-2, B40-8
So I've become fed up with this Athearn blue box model and trying to figure out how to mount the couplers to the body and sanding the pilot and sliced my finger pretty good with a hobby knife.
Ouch! Sorry about the slice finger.

Here's my method of body mounting couplers on my older BB locomotives--if memory serves.

I cut the coupler pad off the frame and that will leave the needed gap in the frame and then I Goo a piece of Evergreen solid square plastic shape to the body..After 2 days of allowing the Goo to set I add a KD #5 and it coupler box to the plastic square I will Goo the coupler box on,drill a 2-56 hole,then install the coupler and secure the coupler box lid with a 2-56 self tapping screw.Its not hard to do and the Dremel tool will do the cutting.

Yes,I still like using Walthers Goo since it will hold for decades.

Summerset Ry

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