Meanwhile, at the cottage...a scratchbuild!
Hey thanks everybody for all the great comments. I will post more pictures when I make more progress. This weekend I took a diversion from my diversion, working on an ore car kit. I will start a thread for that and put the link here. Yes, there are pictures from that effort, although I have not looked to see how they came out.

Visited my 'old' LHS down in Portland today (55 miles away!) I finally bit the bullet and bought a NWSL Quarterer for that 0-6-0T steam project (not the's balanced and timed quite well, thank you). I had reviewed many methods of fabricating your own quartering jig from needing advanced metalworking skills to cutting cardboard and I decided it was worth my time and money to drive down to a store and get one.

Neither of the close locations up in King or Pierce counties had one so it was this place that got my dough. I had hoped the first place I called would have one as I had a more pleasant experience in that store, but alas it did not. I was already headed down that way on errands so the gas cost was shared and in the end I figured it was about the same as ordering it online plus shipping. We'll see how it works...hopefully very well!

As for the hinges and other such details, well, one of my goals when scratchbuilding in any medium but especially a cheap one like cardstock is to duplicate the level of quality and detail found on expensive 'craftsman kits'. Working on a structure like this, where you build up each wall to a certain level of completion then add on another level of detail, then paint, then weathering, etc. allows time for scrutiny, time to contemplate just how far you want the detailing to go.

Thanks again for following along!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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