Power Point presentation on Railroads
Hi Roger, I saw the heading Power Point and I thought I might relate a little tale in relation to said Power Point.

Back in late February around the time of my 50th birthday [50??? how'd that happen? 35 ] my 10 year old son was wanting to do a Power Point presentation for school and was looking on the Internet with his Grandfather [my Dad] for a link to download.
Well before my Dad had time to check it out, said boy has clicked on the link. This link was not a genuine Power Point link, but rather a bad link, a very bad link, :o , for it contained computer viruses and my Mum's computer was well and truly infected.
My brother, down visiting from Queensland, who happens to be the family computer wizz, spent the next two days trying to clear it out from the computer. Wallbang Thinking it was all gone, the computer was turned on the third day, and low and behold the virus pops back up again, Curse . We have a Trojan virus on our hands, so my brother spent another day cleaning out Mum's computer. Success. Worship
The funny thing is my son says that the other kids at school call him a computer nerd because if they have a question about computers they ask him. :ugeek: 357 I replied that at least the kids respect you for a skill they dont have, which is better than being teased for lacking in skills in say sport or spelling or maths. Not that I have any sensitivities in those areas at all. Icon_lol
I will let you all think about that one. 35 Icon_lol
Ah kids, dont you just love them.

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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