Retirement ....Good , Bad , So-so ??
Been retired so long that I can't remember the date, just that I told my wife we would shut our business down or sell it by the end of that year, I think it was 2001....

The up side of retirement:
  • You can sleep as long as you like
    You don't have to answer to bosses, customers or some government agency that wants to keep tabs on what you're doing
    You can do your shopping while everyone else is working
    You can avoid going places of entertainment on weekends when they are crowded.
    You can make an appointment for any time of any day without checking with anyone else.
The down side of retirement:
  • You still seem to wake up at the same time you did when you were working
    You miss being around other people, be they bosses, customer or government agents of any type
    You are shopping at the same time all other seniors are out there
    You try not to ge too far from home for your entertainment
    You spend far too much time in doctor's waiting rooms

And yes, I do occasionally miss working, and have even dreamed that I was back at work again. Not quite a nightmare, but close.... Eek
Don (ezdays) Day
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