GEC's Layout Progress
Well, its getting to be that time of year again, with train shows and open houses. Its a shame that this year's budget will be tight, as the Model Transit & Trolley Convention in New Brunswick (Oct. 31) and the NJ Layout Design/RPM (Nov. 14-15) are the best shows for finding what I want. Additionally, the NMRA Mid-Eastern Region convention (Oct. 22) is literally 10 minutes from my house, and so I can't say no to that!

Unfortunately, I've never been so busy in my life. As I've ranted above, Its been crazy lately.

Time to Regroup and Get Focused!

I'm trying to pare down my projects to things that are immediately accompishable.
  • Decal and decoder GP40P (its almost ready)
  • Decoderize the PRR B1 (also almost done, just need an appropriate decoder)
  • Pick up my Broadway Limited Project again (dependent on some car sides already on order)

Broadway Limited, Broken Down

The Broadway Limited is the only one with some multi-step problems to solve. 4 cars will need to be completed in order to complete the consist

Broadway Limited Twin-unit Diner Troubles

This two car set has been a nightmare. I picked up the Walthers Twin unit diner undecorated for my birthday. It should have been an easy project, just some silver metallic paint, Amtrak decals, done! Unfortunately, the paint (floquil) reacted with the car sides and created crazed patches that made a metallic pain impossible. It has been extroadinarily difficult trying to polish the sides smooth again, and the sides recently began to crumble.

As it turns out though, NKP Car Co made Nickel-plated steel sides that matched these cars. The single set was apparently the only such sets made before Walthers announced their plastic version, making these a lucky find. The hope now is that the sides will be close enough to the Walthers Sides that I can install them in place of the Walthers sides.

If things line up right, this might be an easy conversion afterall. At the very minimum, if I get these twin-unit diners running, I can run a somewhat truncated version of the Broadway Limited. Only the trucks still need to be painted, the rest of the car is ready to go.

Ex-New Haven sleeper lounge

I'm not sure if I'll be able to get this one running, but I could atleast build up the body. The main issue with this one is that the sides have their skirts, removed by amtrak, and are nickel-plated steel. This would make deskirting difficult with the tools I have on hand. Once deskirted, I could at least begin to assemble the body. With any luck, underbody details are readily available through Train Station Products kits.

Lounge Car choices

The remaining 4th car can go one of two ways. I have a completed Ex-Army Hospital "Le-pub" car body, but no trucks or underbody details, and it still needs to be painted. This is the more typical car in the consist.

The other option is an Ex-SCL round end observation car, an undec Walthers car, but it ready to roll. The main complication here is that it needs a rebuilt end with a diaphragm, and information about this modification is lacking. I might just have to mcguyver it and make it looks as close to the photos as possible, but In theory, this would be the fastest car to build. I already have the diaphragm and the styrene I need to build the new end. I suppose I just need to take the leap!

Gotta set other things aside

There are so many other projects on my plate, but I need to start somewhere. Maybe when things start getting finished, I'll start feeling better.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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