Facebook Groups
It's good to know there are useful things that Facebook is used for - more than just gossip and time wasting. I still won't join, however...

My Facebook story:

About 4-5 years ago, a co-worker of mine told me that our former boss had a very strange Facebook page. Of course, I could not see the page unless I had an account. I decided I was curious enough that I would create a fake account. Soooo.... I went to yahoo and created a new email address. Fake name, birthday, age, the whole 9 yards. Then I used the fake email address to create a fake Facebook profile. Again, every bit of information I provided was fake. I got to the last step, where it asked me to add friends. If gave me a list of suggested friends - AND ALL WERE PEOPLE THAT I ACTUALLY KNEW!!! Eek Eek Eek Eek Eek

How did it know? I immediately switched my computer off. Didn't log off, just switched off and unplugged. And I am not a paranoid person! I finally figured it out - Facebook mined my Outlook contact list and cross referenced that to their database. That was enough for me to steer clear ever since.
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