MDC/ROUNDHOUSE locomotive rebuilds
I'm trying to challenge myself, beside learning more how steam engines work I'm trying to stretch my abilities to new areas such as soldering
[Image: DSCF5174_zpsfcsjtkht.jpg]
I built the two air cooling coils that go over the air tanks on each side. I was lucky that the MR article had photos of each side of the engine and they were 'actual size' at that. I used these to lay out the .020 brass rod and flat brass strap on. I soldered all the joints for a change. Usually I would just use ACC but this seems to do better.
[Image: DSCF5184_zpsqlyqqahm.jpg]
I then added them to the model. As you can see I also added the reverser, the water feed pipe and the blowdown line towards the rear.
[Image: DSCF5185_zpsmoxzycpe.jpg]
On the fireman's side I did the same, air cooling line and the water and blowdown pipes.
Now I've pretty much finished the hardest parts of the boiler detailing, I can finish up the work on the pilot and add some other details.

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