Steam Era Slate Creek?
Seems my interest in the hobby chilled for awhile but, now its back to normal. I had a good summer of railfaning my usual haunts and ended up with several dozen photos.

I'm still pondering about backdating Slate Creek to 1955/56 and using a steam engine.. A United Class B2 2 truck Shay perhaps a 0-6-0T switching the veneer and planning mills? The crew would be kept busy switching out loaded cars for empties. Maybe a sawdust load out would be needed for additional switching? The rough lumber arrives from the unmodeled saw mill on the backside of the mills- maybe by conveyor belt?

I would need to buy some 50 era cars and my thoughts is Accurail kits.

Slate Creek Lumber Company-a division of Diamond Forrest Products. Sounds good enough.

Summerset Ry

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