How long has it been, are you happy about it?
Lets see, 1980... that's 35 years. It started as a 4x7...
Shoot 1980 - original 4x7 layout. Town of Westport.
1983 - 4x4 yard section added. Now L shaped.
1986 - removed yard section and built across back wall with new yard with return loop. To be connected to a new city section.
1987 - raised layout 6 inches.
1988 - city area in place with track through it and reversing lopp under.
1991 - East Yard added to extend track through and beyond city.
1995 - major operational problems with original track moving with seasons. Ripped out
original table structure, saved farm area and all buildings. Reversed layout of town of Westport
placing farm at other end of section.
1997 - added a leg to Westport for Grain Operation.
1999 - Began changing to under table slo-motion switch machines and LED control panel
operations. Began rebuilding of grain elevator area.
2004 - replaced an industry in East Yard with new plastics plant.
2005 - Installed new backdrop behind grain elevator area.
2013 - ran a second line under the hill to give the layout another path to run in.
2015 - added a new industry to the East Yard.
I say that it is the same layout, but the only original piece is the farm scene. A layout is like the Energizer Bunny... It keeps going, and going, and... I only know one man who actually finished his layout and he promptly lost interest.

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