Speeder Shed Ideas
teejay Wrote:My little layout is set in the mid 50's . Ther is an area that I think would be ideal for speeder and shed . I'll have to kit bash a partial shed I have , and scratch a speeder , but I'm wondering about other details outside of the shed . Google images hasn't been any help with real life pics ( I googled " speeder shed ) .

Any ideas / pics ??

Thanks , T

There was usually stacks of new ties and wooden barrels of spikes and tie plates and a small coal bin. The one I visited on the C&O in 56 or 57 had one or two 55 gallon drum of gasoline for the speeder and IRRC there was two speeder trailers next to the building. The 'office' area had a small desk,a long wooden picnic type table,stove and lockers. The shed area contain the speeder and various track tools.

I almost forgot the line phone on a pole.

Summerset Ry

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