Personal update
Thanks for your post, comments and photos, Sumpter.

I basically agree with your perspective. One of my previous 00 (or HO) layouts was based on the town of Wellow in SW England. I think I managed to reasonably model the area around Wellow Station. With my current layout, I'm thinking of loosely basing it on another town in SW England but tweaking it quite a bit. Having a real-life place to copy at least gives me an idea of where things -- the signals, water tower, platforms, etc. -- should go but I don't think I'm going to slavishly copy it. I'm just going to use it as a guide to keep things realistic.

At least that's my plan for now with this current layout I'm working on! Perhaps I'll try to take and post some pix this weekend. The layout is only about 50-60% finished but it least will give folks an idea. Some sections are practically finished while other areas still have a pink landscape, thanks to the insulation board that I'm using!

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